Text-only or ASCII format is a generic text format used by word-processing and other programs.
You can export field data to these formats, but you cannot export an entire project. Project cannot open or save to Excel spreadsheets with the. xlsm formats)įormats used by the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program. The global file (Global.mpt) is a master template file that contains formatting information for all projects, but it cannot store tasks, resources, or assignments. This is a template file in which you can save boilerplate information. Project supports opening from the file format used by Project 2000-2002 and Project 2003 but does not support saving to this format. Project supports opening from and saving to the file format used by Project 2007. A project created in Project 2016 can be opened in Project 2013 or Project 2010 without saving the project to a different format.
Project 2010, Project 2013, and Project 2016 all use the same file format.
The standard file format for a project which uses the.